At ESPN, I've been in charge of developing a react framework for the touchscreen web applications used across various ESPN shows. I've developed a custom component library with various customized options and styling, and used the framework to build out several SPA's. The new tech stack is now iterable, maintainable, and scalable, making it much easier to spin up and create new apps. Developer build times have decreased by 25%, apps have improved performance and load times, and shows can now use these apps at home or on the road instead of only in studio.

While introducing a new tech stack, I also worked with designers to create a more modern design and improved UI and UX. Additionally, I've gotten feedback from producers, show operators, and anchors, and implemented solutions to improve current workflows. For example, I created a preview function for the apps to quickly show what it will look like when it's played out into a studio monitor. This takes the three step process of testing an app down to one, and allows people to play it out on their pc without having to be in studio.

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